The Board of Control for Cricket in India lost its golden tick on Twitter (X) on Sunday as they changed their profile picture to support Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'Har Ghar Tiranga' campaign. After India’s PM urged all the citizens of India, the BCCI changed its profile picture to the Indian tricolour ahead of the Independence Day 2023. This year India will be celebrating their 77th year of Independence on August 15.

"In the spirit of the #HarGharTiranga movement, let us change the DP of our social media accounts and extend support to this unique effort which will deepen the bond between our beloved country and us," PM Modi tweeted on Sunday.

As per the latest guidelines of Twitter (X), if the verified profile changes his or her display image, the company immediately removes the blue tick. PM Modi also changed his profile picture to the Indian tricolour but then Twitter did not remove his grey tick. Previously, the BCCI got a blue tick on its Twitter handle but then the owner of social media giant Elon Musk changed the guidelines after taking over the company by spending $44 billion.  As per the new rule, gold ticks are provided to verified companies or official business groups.

The Indian board is expected to regain the blue tick before the start of the Asia Cup in Sri Lanka before that India will take part in a three-match T20I series against Ireland where Jasprit Bumrah will lead the Indian side. Talking about the Indian team, Hardik Pandya’s team won the fourth T20I on Saturday to level the five-match series at 2-2. The fifth T20I is undergoing and will eventually decide the winners. Senior players Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli will be returning to the Indian team to take part in the much-awaited Asia Cup 2023.