Meanwhile, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) posted a video on official X (formerly known as Twitter) in which Tilak, who has so far played seven T20Is for India, can be seen expressing his happiness over earning a maiden ODI call-up. The 20-year-old said he never dreamed that he would make his ODI debut for India in the Asia Cup tournament.

Meanwhile, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) posted a video on official X (formerly known as Twitter) in which Tilak, who has so far played seven T20Is for India, can be seen expressing his happiness over earning a maiden ODI call-up. The 20-year-old said he never dreamed that he would make his ODI debut for India in the Asia Cup tournament.

"I never dreamed that I would be debuting directly in the Asia Cup, and that too in the one-day side. I was always dreaming that I would be debuting for India in ODIs. But it is a big thing for me. And I always dreamed of this, like debuting for India in ODIS. That too, in like a single year, I got my T201 debut, and suddenly, in the next month, I'm just getting a call for the Asia Cup. So yeah, it is one of my dreams. And yeah, I'm just preparing for it," Tilak said on

"I'm pretty confident about playing one-day cricket because I have played ODI cricket for as long as you said, like in List A cricket. I have done well in List A cricket for my state, and the teams have also done well, so I'm pretty confident that I can do well in ODIs, so I'm looking forward to it," he added.