Windies batting great Brian Charles Lara has quashed all rumours doing the rounds on social media about him testing positive for coronavirus, stating that it was a "false" information.

Lara lambasted those for spreading wrong information as he believed that it was detrimental to spread such panic among people who were already in a state of distress due to the alarming Covid-19 situation.

There were growing rumors in the Caribbean social media circles with many posts indicating that the West Indies cricket legend has been diagnosed with COVID-19. However, Lara put all such speculations to rest by clarifying that he did get tested for the corona-virus and the result came out negative.

"Hi everyone, I have read all the circulating rumours regarding me testing positive for the coronavirus and it is important I clarify the facts. Not only is this information false, but it is also detrimental to spread such panic in a community already feeling the distress of the COVID situation," Lara said in an Instagram post.

"While you haven't personally affected me, what causes concern is that spread of wrongful information is careless and causes unnecessary worry amongst a lot of people that would have been in my circle. This virus isn't something we should be using in a negative manner to create sensationalism. I hope and pray that all of us remain safe because as is noticeable COVID 19 is going nowhere in the near future," he added.

Over 7 lakh people across the world have so far lost their lives due to COVID-19.