Indian Cricket team captain Virat Kohli and his wife, actor Anushka Sharma set up two 'animal shelters' on the outskirts of Mumbai as a part of animal welfare project.

On the occasion of World Stray Animals’ Day, on Sunday, Virat took to Twitter and announced that through his foundation - Virat Kohli Foundation - he has collaborated with Vivaldis Animal Health and Awaaz, Voice of Stray Animals, a Mumbai-based NGO, in order to set up Animal shelters in Malad and Boisar.

In a post on the micro-blogging site, the RBC skipper revealed that the aim of these shelters is to 'ensure health and support to stray animals.

"To ensure health & support to stray animals, @vkfofficial has now taken its first step towards animal welfare in collaboration with Vivaldis. I want to thank my wife @AnushkaSharma for inspiring me by her passion towards animals & for being a constant advocate for animal rights," Kohli tweeted.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">To ensure health &amp; support to stray animals, <a >@vkfofficial</a> has now taken its first step towards animal welfare in collaboration with Vivaldis. I want to thank my wife <a >@AnushkaSharma</a> for inspiring me by her passion towards animals &amp; for being a constant advocate for animal rights. <a ></a></p>&mdash; Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) <a >April 4, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

According to the reports, the shelter in Boisar will be a permanent rehabilitation centre to keep animals who are blind/paralysed. The one in Malad will be a temporary centre where animals (small animals - dogs & cats) will be admitted for a temporary period until they recover.

The Indian batsman, who proudly admits to be a true-blue animal lover, will also sponsor ambulances while Vivaldis Animal Health will complement their healthcare needs.