ABP Cvoter Snap Poll 2023: Following the triumphant success of the Chandrayaan-3 landing, political factions are engaged in claiming credit for it. The Congress party attributes the feat to India's first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru highlighting his emphasis on promoting science and scientific thinking, while the BJP accredits Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the achievement stressing his support to the Chandrayaan-3 team. ABP News, in association with CVoter, conducted a snap poll aimed at gauging public sentiments about who they think should be credited for the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)'s historic feat.

The statistics among NDA (National Democratic Alliance) supporters skew in favor of Prime Minister Modi while a majority of them applauded the scientists for this feat. 35.5% of ruling NDA's supporters credited PM Modi for the success, in contrast to 5.4% who attributed the success to Jawaharlal Nehru. A mere 3.9% advocate for joint recognition, while a substantial 53.9% maintain that the scientists alone deserve the applause. A fractional 1.3% remain indecisive on the matter.

In the realm of Opposition supporters, a notable 21.9% give the credit to Prime Minister Modi, while 10.5% attribute it to Pandit Nehru. A fraction constituting 5.5% of respondents believe both leaders share the appreciation, and a majority of 60.3% assert that the credit should exclusively go to the diligent scientists who are behind the success of the lunar mission. A smaller segment, comprising 1.8%, said they were uncertain or refrained from forming an opinion.

Besides the debate on credit, people were also asked whether the politics that is being done to take credit for the success of Chandrayaan-3 is right or wrong. Within the NDA supporters' bracket, 54.1% hold the stance that such credit politics is unjust, while 29.5% contend that the attempts to claim credit are well-founded. A remaining 16.4% express uncertainty in forming an opinion on the same.

A majority of Opposition supporters, constituting 59.8% of the respondents, also view the politicisation of this scientific feat as a wrong move. Conversely, 21.5% consider the credit-seeking politics justified. Approximately 18.7% refrain from asserting an opinion.

The varied debates and responses point to the political divisions even in moments of scientific and national achievement. 

ALSO READ | Chandrayaan-3 Produces First-Ever Depth-Temperature Profile Of Moon's South Pole. Know More


The snap poll findings come after ISRO informed on Saturday that two of the three objectives associated with the mission have been accomplished. "Of the 3 mission objectives, demonstration of a safe and soft landing on the lunar surface is accomplished. Demonstration of Rover roving on the moon is accomplished. Conducting in-situ scientific experiments is underway. All payloads are performing normally," ISRO posted on ‘X’.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with scientists involved in the Chandrayaan-3 mission at ISRO Telemetry Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC) in Bengaluru. He stated that the location where the spacecraft landed would be known as the 'Shiv Shakti' point. 

More On It: Tiranga And Shiv Shakti: India Names Two Areas On Moon Related To Chandrayaan Missions

[Disclaimer: Current survey findings and projections are based on CVoter personal interviews conducted among 4097 adults. Sometimes the table figures do not sum to 100 due to the effects of rounding. MoE is +/- 3% at macro level and +/- 5% at micro level.]

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