Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti, also known as Prakash Parv, is celebrated annually on the Saptami Tithi of Shukla Paksha in the Hindu month of Paush. This year, in 2025, the festival falls on Monday, January 6. Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Sikh Guru, was born on December 22, 1666, in Patna, Bihar. He was a poet, a devout spiritual leader, and an inspirational figure.
On this auspicious occasion, here are some of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s timeless teachings:
ALSO READ: Prakash Parv 2025: Date, Significance, And Everything You Need To Know About This Day In January
- "If you focus only on the future, you will lose the present."
- "The feeling of selfishness is the root cause of bad deeds."
- "True peace is attained when you eradicate ego from within."
- "I admire those who walk the path of truth."
- "God has given us life to do good deeds and eliminate evil from the world."
- "Loving humanity is the true devotion to God."
- "You can reach God through good deeds, as He supports those who perform righteous actions."
- "One should never gossip or speak ill of others. Hard work is more beneficial than harboring envy."
- "Diligence is essential in all tasks, and negligence must be avoided."
- "Memorize and embody the teachings of Gurbani."
- "Every person should donate a tenth of their earnings to charity."
- "Earn your livelihood through honest and ethical work."
- "Every human is born to perform good deeds and must steer clear of wrongdoing."
- "Only by eliminating ego from within can one achieve true peace."
- "It is through your good deeds that you can attain God, and He always supports those who act righteously."
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