Mumbai: A security official makes an announcement for the commuters stranded at Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus as local train services were disrupted owing to power failure in many parts of Mumbai, Monday, Oct 12, 2014. (PTI Photo/Shashank Parade)(PTI12-10-2020_000047B)
Mumbai: A train halts at Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus as services were disrupted owing to power failure in many parts of Mumbai, Monday, Oct. 12, 2014. (PTI Photo/Shashank Parade)(PTI12-10-2020_000038B)
Mumbai: A train halts at Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus as local train services were disrupted owing to power failure in many parts of Mumbai, Monday, Oct 12, 2014. (PTI Photo/Shashank Parade)(PTI12-10-2020_000040A)
Mumbai: Commuters stranded on a platform at a station as local train services were disrupted due to major power supply failure, in Mumbai, Monday, Oct 12, 2020. (PTI Photo) (PTI12-10-2020_000041A)
Mumbai: A train halts at a station as local train services were disrupted due to major power supply failure, in Mumbai, Monday, Oct 12, 2020. (PTI Photo) (PTI12-10-2020_000033A)
Mumbai: Employees spend time outside a store after a grid failure resulted in massive power outages across the ciy, in Mumbai, Monday, Oct. 12, 2020. (PTI Photo/Kunal Patil)(PTI12-10-2020_000046A)
Mumbai: Commuters wait outside a petrol pump to re-open after a grid failure resulted in massive power outages across the ciy, in Mumbai, Monday, Oct. 12, 2020. (PTI Photo/Kunal Patil)(PTI12-10-2020_000039A)