New Delhi: A distressing video has surfaced on Twitter and is going viral. The footage shows how a motorcyclist had a narrow escape from a speeding train. The man escaped the approaching train seconds before his vehicle was crushed by it. 

Times of India reported that it was a Rajdhani Express train in Mumbai that crushed the man’s two-wheeler into pieces. The video's timestamp shows that the incident occurred on February 12, 2021.

The video shows a man trying to cross the railway tracks without bothering about the approaching train. Even though the barriers were lowered at the crossing, he ignored them and went ahead. He wanted to save a few minutes, which could turn fatal had it not been for his presence of mind.

The footage shows that the man narrowly escaped death by jumping off his bike. He fell a few inches away from the track where a speeding Rajdhani train smashed his bike into pieces. He was lucky to escape without any injuries. The footage captured him getting away from the accident spot only after the train had passed.


The video has gone viral on the internet. Many Twitter users have criticised the biker for not following rules and risking life. They pointed out that it was clearly his fault, and that he was lucky that he is alive.