A Lithuanian photographer named Eugenijus Kavaliauskas received a prize in a Nikon photography competition for his exquisite depiction of an ant's face.

Despite being impressive, the picture did not win the competition's top honour. Kavaliauskas received one Nikon prize with a price value of $35 for his image of the ant.

Kavaliauskas submitted a photograph of a five-times-magnified ant for the 2022 Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition. The picture does not reflect how most people would picture ants. It has angular, dramatic elements that someone would find frightful. The ant also features what appear to be golden fangs, along with red eyes.

Just a few hours have passed since this photo was uploaded, and now it has more than five lakh likes and several comments. The sight of the picture shocked a lot of people. 

"No, just imagine if they were the size of a dog. They would be faster and stronger than almost any animal," a user wrote in the comment section. Another user stated: "Thank you for ruining ants. I thought they looked cute. Now I'm terrified."

Nikon's competition recognises the art of microscope photography. People may capture information that the human eye cannot see using tiny pictures.

Grigorii Timin and Michel Milinkovitch from the genetics and evolution department at the University of Geneva won first place and a $3,000 cash award. Brilliant, vibrant detail was recorded on a front paw of a Madagascar large day gecko.