A herd of sheep near the town of Almyros in Thessaly, Greece devoured nearly 100 kg of medical cannabis by breaking into a greenhouse, reported the New York Post. The sheep were seeking refuge from flooding after Storm Daniel hit central and eastern Mediterranean, leading to extreme flooding in Libya Turney, Bulgaria, and Greece.

The sheperd on finding them later, realised that the entire herd was behaving differently and were exhibiting jumping higher than goats.

"I don’t know if it’s for laughing or crying. We have the heat; we lose a lot of production. We have the floods; we lose the rest. And the best: After all this, a herd of sheep, which I don’t know how to get back, entered the facility and started eating what was left. I don’t know what to say, honestly," told the owner of the greenhouse to TheNewspaper.gr., a local media house.

Farm owner Yannis Bourounis told a local radio producer: “They found green stuff to eat” and “jumping higher than goats, which never happens," reported Newsweek 

Greece legalised weed in 2017 for medicinal purposes and the country inaugurated its first-ever medicinal cannabis production plant this year. The cultivation of cannabis for medical use has presented much-needed economic opportunities for the country, reported the outlet.

Though cannabis have proven to have  medicinal value for humans, it can be dangerous for animals.

Cannabis poisoning among dogs is on the rise — especially in the US. There was an 11% percent uptick in cases last year and a 300% increase in the last five years, reported New York Post, citing the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.