New Delhi: In a shocking 30-second video that has surfaced on social media, a woman in Belgium can be seen pushed into the path of an oncoming subway train but miraculously survived the incident. The alarming incident was captured on CCTV camera, and since then the video has gone viral.

The video shows a man deliberately pushing the woman onto the tracks of an oncoming subway train. The incident has taken place at Rogier metro station in the Belgian capital on Friday evening, according to the news website RT.

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As soon as the train entered the station, a man in a black T-shirt can be seen pushing the woman after which she lost balance and fell into the tracks.

In the video, the man can be seen walking sneakily towards the woman from behind before pushing her in front of the approaching train.

Tentative de meurtre dans la station de métros Rogier à Bruxelles, ce vendredi, peu après 19 h 40.

Le conducteur de la Stib est heureusement parvenu à effectuer un freinage d’urgence et il a ainsi pu éviter le pire in extremis. via @sudinfo_be

— Infos Bruxelles🇧🇪 (@Bruxelles_City) January 14, 2022

The train halted inches away from the woman saving her from being crushed under the train. Onlookers ran to the spot as the train driver managed to pull the emergency brake saving the woman's life.

Meanwhile, the suspect vanished soon after the incident. However, he was arrested afterward at another metro station and has been charged with attempted homicide, according to the Brussels' public prosecutor's office.

"The driver reacted very well but is very much so in shock, as is the victim," Guy Sablon, spokesperson for the Brussels Intercommunal Transport Company, told The Brussels Times.

The woman along with the metro driver was taken to the hospital and asked to return home soon, according to the report. 

The police have initiated a probe into the incident to determine the suspect's motives. A psychiatrist has also been appointed to verify his condition.

The relatives of the suspect with attempted murder have said that he “urgently needs to address his (mental health) problems”, according to The Brussel Times.