Guwahati: The ambitious goal of extending safe drinking water to 4.5 lakh households by this year in Manipur under the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) has hit a staggering roadblock, a conflict stretching over eight months, crippling the northeast state’s progress. Launched in 2019 with a budget of Rs 3,137.42 crore, predominantly funded by the Central government (90%), the JJM nort, the Directorate of Information and Public Relations (DIPR), Manipur, stated in a press release.

Chief Engineer of Manipur’s Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), Shangreiphao Vashumwo, shed light on the disruptive impact of the conflict, which impeded the timely supply of crucial materials needed for the project’s execution. “The conflict severely hampered the momentum of the project, obstructing material transportation from outside the state,” said Vashumwo, emphasising the acute challenges encountered due to these disruptions.

“Logistical difficulties in conflict zones hindered the establishment of village water and sanitation committees, crucial for comprehensive rural coverage, further delaying on-ground implementation,” Vashumwo lamented.

Despite serving the state’s capital Imphal and its environs, requiring 124 Million Litre per Day (MLD), through 17 water treatment plants, disruptions in conflict-affected zones like Kangchup, Kangchup extension, and Potshangbam-II, coupled with sabotage at the Singda treatment plant’s pipeline, severely curtailed water supply, the DIPR release stated.

Vashumwo expressed determination to reinitiate work in these conflict areas by engaging local youth from neutral communities on contractual terms. Additionally, plans to complete pipeline replacements and smart metre installations by mid-year with an aim to enhance water distribution efficiency.

The scarcity of government-supplied water forced households to rely on private vendors, purchasing approximately 5,000 litres monthly at Rs 350 per 1,000 litres, an exorbitant expense. Concerns about the procured water’s safety persist, with no established government measures to monitor its quality, raising doubts about its potability. Collaborative efforts involving governmental bodies, community engagements, and strategic interventions are pivotal to surmounting these obstacles and ensuring the timely completion of this critical project, the release stated.

In parallel, the Director in-charge of Manipur’s Environment and Climate Change Department, Tourangbam Brajakumar, highlighted a looming crisis arising from the drying up of springs and the disappearance of wetlands, contributing significantly to the state’s water scarcity issue. Brajakumar stressed the necessity of a governmental policy focusing on spring revival and effective water allocation management to avert an acute potable water shortage.

“While regions like Rajasthan and Delhi, with minimal annual rainfall, 200mm and 400mm respectively, sustain sufficient water supply throughout the year, but Manipur, receiving 1,600mm annual rainfall, grapples with water scarcity,” Brajakumar said.

Brajakumar emphasised the unaltered water cycle and consistent rainfall in Manipur over recent years, yet highlighted a shortened monsoon period lasting two to three months, leading to intense but brief rainfall. This disrupted groundwater recharge, exacerbated by deforestation in hill catchment areas, causing spring desiccation and river water volume reduction. “Nearly 62 per cent of springs in the state have dried up due to this phenomenon,” Brajakumar disclosed, underscoring the urgency of a policy addressing spring revival to alleviate the water crisis.

Highlighting the critical role of wetlands in environmental purification, Brajakumar rued a drastic reduction in wetland numbers, from 550 to a mere 119, contributing significantly to the adverse climatic conditions prevailing in the state. To tackle this issue, the State Environment and Climate Change Department is actively engaged in rejuvenating existing wetlands, aiming to mitigate the escalating environmental challenges.

The drying springs and vanishing wetlands, exacerbated by conflict-driven project delays, paint a grim picture of Manipur’s impending water crisis. Without immediate policy intervention and concerted efforts, the situation may exacerbate, impacting the lives of its residents and the region’s ecological balance, the release added.

The release further stated that the conflict’s ripple effects on vital water infrastructure and the looming specter of dried springs and vanishing wetlands paint a stark picture of an impending water crisis. Immediate policy interventions and concerted efforts are imperative to avert the looming catastrophe. 

The writer is a senior independent journalist covering the Northeast.

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