Guwahati: The Assam unit of Muslim Rashtriya Manch (MRM), an organisation backed by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), on Thursday announced that it will take part in the "Tiranga Yatra for PoK" a programme to demand for the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) to be reintegrated as a part of India.

A meeting in this regard was held at the PWD Convention and Training Center in Guwahati, which was presided over by chief patron of the MRM, Indresh Kumar. Over 150 members of the MRM, Assam Pradesh, attended the meeting, MRM, Guwahati city Convenor, Mohsin Khaiyam, said in a press release.

While addressing the launch of the campaign in Assam, Indresh Kumar said that the MRM will continue with its nationwide movement through public awareness campaigns and diplomatic efforts to reclaim PoK.

“Nationalistic Muslims, who truly love India, will hoist the Indian flag in PoK very soon. PoK was a result of the divide-and-rule policy of the British. Muslims living in PoK are not happy and are suffering because of some decisions made in the past,” Indresh Kumar said. 

On the other hand, the convenor of Assam Pradesh MRM, Alkas Hussain, said that the organisation will carry out several rallies across the state within the next month to push for the demand of reclaiming PoK.

“Both Muslims and Hindus must follow a spirit of camaraderie and not fall for people who tend to divide them on religious lines. Everyone has to support the nation that they live in and then the rest of the things,” said Hussain.

The MRM, Assam Pradesh also took out a rally to push for its demand of reclaiming PoK. The rally, with a participation of over 300 MRM members, was taken out from the PWD Convention and Training Centre, Dispur, and culminated at the same place, after covering a distance of around two kilometres.