A woman leader of BJP Kisan Morcha on Friday died allegedly by suicide at her Guwahati residence after her intimate photos with another party leader had surfaced. The ruling party on Saturday expelled one of its members from party membership after his name cropped up in connection with the alleged suicide, news agency PTI reported. The deceased had taken an overdose of sleeping pills, leading to her death, as per preliminary reports cited by PTI.
The woman leader took the extreme step after her intimate photos with another party leader surfaced, BJP sources told PTI.
As a police investigation was launched into the matter, the leader with whom she was seen in the photos was expelled from the primary membership of the party.
The deceased has been identified as 44-year-old Indrani Tahbildar, news agency IANS reported. She was vice president of the Chamber of Commerce and also treasurer of the BJP Kisan Morcha.
DCP of central Guwahati Dipak Choudhury told IANS, “The police are investigating the incident. It was considered an unnatural death and a probe has been launched. However, until now, we have not received any such complaints regarding the leaking of intimate pictures of the deceased with another person. But we are looking into every angle.”
After the incident, State BJP President Bhabesh Kalita issued an order to expel the other leader involved in the matter with immediate effect, PTI reported. Police also said no arrests have been made so far.
IANS reported sources as saying that Tahbildar got involved in an extramarital affair with another BJP leader who was staying at her house as a tenant and some of the pictures of the alleged couple leaked online recently.
A report by Hindustan Times cited people familiar with the matter as saying Tahbilda had told some of her colleagues that someone was trying to blackmail her with the intimate pictures. Her colleagues accused an invitee member of BJP Kisan Morcha identified as one Anurag Chaliha of abetting the alleged suicide, the report mentioned.
Tahbildar’s body was taken to the Guwahati Medical College and Hospital for post-mortem.
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