New Delhi: In response to Israel's ambassador comment, Iran has issued a statement calling him "childish" over his remarks that Iran was seen as a destabiliser in the region. The Israeli envoy to India, Naor Gilon, had said Iran is being steered by a very extreme regime with nuclear weapons and is a danger in West Asia, according to news agency ANI.

In response to this, Iran issued a statement saying, "...Certainly great civilizations with the great history of peace and coexistence are smarter than falling into the traps of such selfish and bloodthirsty regime with huge records of human rights abuses, killings of children, and the childish remarks of its evil-minded Zionist envoy."

In the statement, Iran said, "Israel, a terror house in which its illegitimate establishment has been rooted in bloodshed, assassination, and massacre of Palestinians and other nations in the Middle East, a regime which its scandalous involvement in the current Pegasus espionage together with a history of occupation and invading other territories in Syria and Lebanon as well as its atrocities and war crimes against innocent people in Qana, Kafar Qasem, Sabra and Shatila camps is well known to everybody in the world. How could (they) advise peace coalitions and accuse others who have defended victims of extremism and aggression in the region?"

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In one of his recent tweets Gilon, 57, shared a meme of Facebook on its name change to Meta and a promise that he would try to bring one of the actors of the Israeli hit web series Fauda for a visit to India.

In his response to the Iranian statement, Gilon infused a humour punch. "Thank you @Iran_in_India When at 57 someone calls me 'childish' and 'adventurous', I take it as a compliment. Yours proudly the 'evil minded Zionist envoy'," the Israeli Ambassador to India tweeted.

Supporting his official on the Twitter swipe at Iran, Israel Foreign Ministry Director-General Alon Ushpiz tweeted, "We still vividly remember how in February 2012 an 'evil minded' Iranian death squad attempted to assassinate one of our diplomats in the heart of New Delhi."

Ushpiz's tweet was in reference to an attack on Israeli embassy staffer Tal Yehoshua Koren's car in February 2012. A terrorist had stuck a magnetic bomb at her car, which exploded, injuring four people including Koren and her driver, an Indian. Israel had held Iran responsible for the attack.

(With inputs from ANI)