A video showing Russian President Vladimir Putin bidding farewell to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un from the window of his private jet has gone viral on social media. The clip, shared by the Daily Mail, captured Putin waving to Kim as his plane departs. Putin's visit to North Korea on Wednesday marked his first trip to the country in 24 years. 

Take A Look At This Viral Video 

WATCH | Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un Take Turns Driving Each Other In Limousine

During the visit, Putin presented Kim with a tea set and took him for a test drive in a Russian-made Aurus vehicle. This followed a previous meeting in September last year when Kim visited Russia's Vostochny Cosmodrome space launch site, and Putin showcased a model of an Aurus Motors executive car. 

Earlier this year, in February, Putin had gifted Kim an Aurus, making him the first leader to receive one, as reported by Tass, though the specific model was not disclosed. 

Notably, the Aurus Senat, retro-styled after the Soviet-era ZIL limousine, is the official Russian presidential car. Putin used one during his most recent Kremlin inauguration ceremony in May. Kim, known for his collection of luxury foreign vehicles, has been seen in a Maybach limousine, several Mercedes, a Rolls-Royce Phantom, and a Lexus sports utility vehicle. These cars were likely smuggled into North Korea, defying United Nations resolutions that banned the export of luxury goods to the country. 

ALSO READ AT ABP LIVE | Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un Take Turns Driving Each Other In Limousine: WATCH

Earlier this week, Putin and Un agreed to develop their countries’ ties. Russian President has vowed to deepen trade and security ties with the reclusive nuclear-armed state and to support it against the United States, which has led to international condemnation and censure of North Korea over its weapons programme.