New Delhi: A viral video of Pakistan’s High Commissioner to UK Sahibzada Ahmed Khan, has landed him in a controversy and has prompted Foreign Minister of the country Shah Mahmood Qureshi to summon him .

Ahmed Khan is facing flak from Pakistan government and Pakistani nationals for behaving eccentrically on-stage during an award show in London.

Raising eyebrows during the IPPA Awards 2018 in London, the High Commissioner to UK behaved in an erratic manner and spoke incoherently and on unclear topics over the microphone on stage. He even indulged in superfluous conversation with those on stage.

The Dawn reported: “Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Thursday expressed his disappointment at Pakistan High Commissioner to the UK Sahibzada Ahmed Khan's on-stage antics at a recent television award function in London, and summoned him to explain his behaviour.”

In the award show held at London’s O2 arena on September 9, when Ahmed Khan ascended the stage and held the microphone, it became an uphill task to stop him as he went on speaking at length for several minutes.

After issuing summon to the High Commissioner, Qureshi also took to micro-blogging website Twitter to express his displeasure.

This is how netizens responded :

The video of Khan’s act was uploaded on YouTube by many channels. Watch:

(Video posted by Fun Dozers on YouTube)