US President Donald Trump has shut the doors for China over trade negotiations, saying he has no plans to speak with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. ALSO READ | India, EU Sign Civil Nuclear Deal After 13 Years Of Negotiation; To Unveil Roadmap For Expanding Ties

"No I have not spoken to him and I have no plans to speak to him," Trump said, indicating his anger over China over several issue and tit-for-tat sanctions on lawmakers.

The harsh statement came while he was answering reporter's questions at a White House press conference on Tuesday where he briefed his plans over Phase-II of trade negotiations with China. Trump expressed his dismay over the current Coronavirus pandemic and held China responsible for not controlling it on time.

"We made a great deal in Phase-I, but as soon as the deal was over, the ink had not eve dried as yet when we were hit with the novel disease. Make no mistake, we hold China fully responsible for concealing the virus and unleashing it upon the world," Trump said, adding that "They could have stopped it."

Calling its 'puppet', the UP President also lashed out at the World Health Organization (WHO) for taking no action against China and instead, siding the nation.

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Moving further, Trump slammed his Democratic Party challenger and former vice president Joe Biden for being 'soft' on China.

"He (Biden) said the idea that China is our competition is really bizarre. He is really bizarre. He said China is not a problem. No. Nobody has ripped us off more than China over the last 25, 30 years, nobody close, and he says China is not a problem. Now he takes it all back. Now he wants to be mister tough guy. But for years, 47 years, he never came out against China, never said anything bad, just the opposite," the president said.

Trump went on to say that his challenger in the November presidential polls expresses more fawning praise about China on an ordinary day than about America. He claimed that Biden sides with China over America and is certainly proud of them for what they have done to the world.

Trump's remarks against Biden indicated that the China issue has become a leading election year topic as Trump and Biden each attempt to paint the other as weak in the face of aggressive moves from Beijing.