US President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was convicted by a jury on Tuesday for lying about his drug use to illegally purchase a firearm. This landmark verdict, delivered by a 12-member jury in a Wilmington federal court, marks the first instance of a sitting U.S. president’s child being convicted of a crime.

Hunter Biden, 54, showed little emotion as the verdict was read, lightly nodding his head. He was seen patting his lawyer, Abbe Lowell, on the back and embracing another member of his legal team, news agency Reuters reported. The judge has not yet set a date for sentencing, but indicated it would typically occur within 120 days, placing it just ahead of the Nov. 5 U.S. presidential election, Reuters' report stated.

The sentencing guidelines for the charges Hunter Biden faces typically range from 15 to 21 months. However, according to Reuters, legal experts suggest that similar cases often result in shorter sentences, with defendants frequently avoiding incarceration if they comply with pretrial release terms.

This conviction follows the recent criminal conviction of former President Donald Trump, who, on May 30, became the first former U.S. president to be found guilty of a felony. Trump, the Republican challenger to Joe Biden in the upcoming election, was convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to conceal a sex scandal. He has accused Democrats of weaponising the justice system to thwart his return to power.

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'I Will Accept Outcome Of This Case': US President Joe Biden On Son Hunter's Conviction

After the decision, US President Joe Biden said he would accept the judgment and “will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal”, news agency AP reported The President further mentioned that he and the first lady are proud of Hunter, who has been sober since 2019.

“Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today. So many families who have had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone you love come out the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery,” Biden said, as quoted by CNN.

“As I also said last week, I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal. Jill and I will always be there for Hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. Nothing will ever change that,” he added.

In written remarks on the verdict, Hunter Biden stated that while he was disappointed by the outcome, he was grateful for the support of family and friends. His attorney said they will “continue to vigorously pursue all the legal challenges available”, AP reported.

Joe Biden Said He Won't Pardon Son Hunter If Found Guilty

Congressional Democrats have highlighted Hunter Biden's prosecution as evidence that US President Joe Biden does not exploit the justice system for personal or political gain. Last week, Joe Biden stated he would not pardon his son if convicted, the report stated. The case against Hunter Biden was brought by U.S. Department of Justice Special Counsel David Weiss, a Trump appointee. Weiss has also charged Hunter Biden with multiple tax offences in California, alleging that he failed to pay $1.4 million in taxes between 2016 and 2019 while spending extravagantly on drugs, escorts, and luxury items. Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty to these charges, with a trial scheduled for September 5 in Los Angeles.

During the Delaware trial, the prosecution presented testimony from Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, former girlfriend, and sister-in-law, who recounted his severe addiction during the period surrounding the gun purchase in October 2018, as per Reuters. Prosecutors also introduced text messages, photos, and bank records indicating that Biden was deeply addicted at the time and knowingly lied about his drug use on a government screening form.

Hunter Biden’s defence argued that he was not using drugs when he bought the gun and did not intend to deceive authorities, asserting that he did not consider himself a drug user at the time. His daughter, Naomi Biden, testified that her father appeared to be in good condition shortly before and after the firearm purchase, the report mentioned.