New Delhi: A small private jet accidentally flew into restricted air space over President Joe Biden's beach residence Saturday, requiring his security team to temporarily relocate him and the first lady to a safe location, according to the White House, news agency AFP reported.

"The President and the First Lady are safe and there was not an attack," a White House official said of the incident near Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, roughly 200 kilometres (120 miles) east of Washington.

According to the official, Biden and First Lady Jill Biden eventually returned to their house.

The Secret Service, which is in charge of guarding the president, stated that the jet entered a protected area by mistake and was "quickly escorted away."

Among other things, the pilot was not on the right radio channel and "was not following published flying directions," according to Secret Service spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi.

"The United States Secret Service will be interviewing the pilot," he added.

Prior to Biden's visit to the seaside resort, the Federal Aviation Administration issued flying limitations, as is customary for presidential excursions outside of Washington. The limitations include a no-fly zone with a 10-mile radius contained inside a 30-mile restricted zone, AP reported.

On Twitter, a CBS News reporter reported seeing Biden driving to a Rehoboth Beach fire station. The president's entourage of reporters was not part of the motorcade.

Before taking off, pilots are required by federal laws to check for flying restrictions along their route. Accidental airspace violations are still occur, particularly in temporarily prohibited zones.

(With Agencies Inputs)