Washington: President Donald Trump intends to nominate Acting Defense Secretary Patrick M Shanahan as his next Defense Secretary, the post which has been vacant for the past several months, the White House said Thursday. "Based upon his outstanding service to the country and his demonstrated ability to lead, President Trump intends to nominate Patrick M Shanahan to be the Secretary of Defense," White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said.

Shanahan has served in high-profile positions, including as the Deputy Secretary of Defense and Vice President of Supply Chain and Operations at Boeing. He holds a Master of Science degree in engineering and a Master of Business Administration degree from the Massachusetts Institution of Technology, she said.

"Acting Secretary Shanahan has proven over the last several months that he is beyond qualified to lead the Department of Defense, and he will continue to do an excellent job," Sanders said.

In his first reaction to the development, Shanahan said, "I am honored by today's announcement of President Trump's intent to nominate. If confirmed by the Senate, I will continue the aggressive implementation of our National Defense Strategy. I remain committed to modernizing the force so our remarkable Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines have everything they need to keep our military lethal and our country safe," Shanahan has been temporarily leading the US Department of Defense after James Mattis resigned as the US Defense Secretary last year.