In a bizarre incident, a man in New Mexico city of the United States, who went for grocery shopping, returned to find his car filled with around 15,000 honeybees. Yes, that's right! According to a report published in New York Times, the man did not notice the presence of bees in his car's back seat unit he started driving. 

Interestingly, the swarm of thousands of buzzling bees entered his vehicle as he has reportedly left a window glass down, while he made a 10-minute stop to purchase some grocery at a supermarket. 

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While speaking to the paper, firefighter to rescued the crisis informed that after a slight movement of his car, the man realised something was wrong. "Then he turned back and looked and like was, ‘Holy Cow,’" firefighter Jesse Johnson, whose hobby is beekeeping, said.

The man, whose identity has not been revealed, reportedly called 911 as he panicked and did not know what to do. 

The Fire Department called Johnson, an off-duty fire fighter, who then decided to relocate the bees to his property. "I’ll do anything to keep people from killing the bees," he told the media house.

Johnson also informed that the swarm of bees weighed around 3.5 pounds (1.58 kgs approximately) and could have come from a nearby drain system or home in neighborhood. 

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Donning a white beekeeper’s jacket and veil, Jhonson approached the vehicle and it took him around 30 minutes to gather the bees inside the hive box. He then relocated them to his truck for the ride home.

As per the Fire Department, no major injuries were reported during the entire episode apart from some people being stung.