New Delhi: An unintelligible tweet from the US Strategic Command last weekend had left many in shock and it has now been revealed to be the work of a precocious tot who had been left unattended with a laptop. The agency is responsible for safeguarding America's nuclear weapons.

What's the Tweet all about?

The account which tweeted, “;l;;gmlxzssaw", was deleted within minutes. The gibberish post was tweeted on Sunday on the agency’s official US Stratcom Twitter account and it was quick to go viral garnering reaction of users on the micro-blogging site. The post received thousands of likes and got retweeted while some users suspected that the account may have been hacked. Also Read: China's ByteDance In Further Soup, Indian Authorities Freeze Bank Accounts For 'Tax Evasion': Report

The agency is responsible for all American nuclear war-fighting forces, and some took potshots at the agency saying if the agency inadvertendtly tweeted out the nuclear launch code. Later, it was revealed that a child belonging to the account's social-media manager's family was behind the gaffe.

The agency which was left embarassed issued another tweet, “Apologizes [sic] for any confusion. Please disregard this post.”

The agency accepted the fisaco in a response to a Freedom of Information Act request sent from the publisher Daily Dot. It informed that the work was not that of a hacker but instead of a small child.

It's the Twitter manager, who was teleworking, left the agency's Twitter account open and unattended. The young child ended up playing with the keys and unfortunately, and unknowingly, posted the tweet, as per the information shared with the Daily Dot.

As per the webiste, it added, “Absolutely nothing nefarious occurred, i.e., no hacking of our Twitter account. The post was discovered and notice to delete it occurred telephonically.”