US Elections 2020: US President Donald Trump and his Democratic rival, former vice president Joe Biden faced each other in the final debate for the upcoming polls to be held on Nov 3. While Joe Biden the US President for failure in controlling the Covid 19 pandemic Trump replied that they are fighting hard against Covid 19 and will roll a vaccine within weeks.

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The heated debate on Coronavirus went on for 30 minutes between the Republicans and Democrats, both attacking each other on weak health care system and making promises to improve to it.

We're fighting Covid-19, a vaccine that's coming: Donald Trump

While Trump said that COVID is a worldwide problem. 2.2 billion people have been affected by the horrible disease that came from China. "We have a vaccine coming up. I got better and recovered from the coronavirus. More and more people are getting better. "

I will end coronavirus: Joe Biden

In response to Trump's claim for rolling out the vaccine, Joe Biden said that he will end Coronavirus if elected. Joe Biden said, "Trump has no plan to fight Covid-19, says Joe Biden. Biden said he would listen to scientists on the vaccine - something Donald Trump has mocked as a weakness.

Biden kept on training guns on Trump for the rising covid cases in the country and insisted Donald Trump to bear some responsibility for how devastating the virus has been. "He did virtually nothing," said Biden.

Joe Biden also said that he will make sure they have rapid testing facilities everywhere and people get better.

In response to Biden's allegations, Donald Trump said that the world is learning to live with Covid. President Trump said, "We can't close up our nation. 99% of the people are recovering. Have to open our country. People are losing jobs, losing lives."

Donald Trump also added that he takes "full responsibility" for the response to the virus, months after he said he took no responsibility. "It's not my fault that it came here. "It is China's fault," Trump said.

Also Watch|US Polls: War of words b/w Trump & Biden in final Presidential debate