New Delhi: As Democrat leader Joe Biden inches closer to the majority, Donald Trump had raised questions about the fairness of the election process and alleged that it is rigged. The Trump campaign filed lawsuits in different places and now according to an AP report, Georgia and Michigan courts have dismissed it.

Trump had filed a lawsuit in Michigan about 53 absentee ballots that were allegedly not part of the original batch of ballots, even though election officials in the county had confirmed that all the ballots were received on time.

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The report says that Chatham County Superior Court Judge James Bass rejected the lawsuit but offered no explanation on his decision. Similarly in Michigan, Trump had demanded access to locations where ballots were being counted and this was dismissed by Judge Cynthia Stephens.

Trump has filed a complaint petition in the Court of Claims in Michigan State in the United State seeking a mandate from the court to Secretary Jocelyn Benson to order all counting and processing of absentee votes cease immediately. The complaint filed by President Trump reviewed by IANS sought immediate declaratory and injunctive relief.

Trump with no evidence accused that the mail-in ballots are a way to cheat in the election. Mail-in ballots were initially used due to health concerns during the Covid-19 health crisis, and as per opinion polls are expected to favor Biden and in some states, which are yet to be counted.

At the time of writing, in Georgia, both Biden and Trump received 49.4% of the vote. However, Trump is leading in the total votes.

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