Washington DC: Getting back on track in the campaign trail for the upcoming US Presidential elections, President Donald Trump made a comeback style appearance at the White House on Saturday. ALSO READ | US Elections 2020: Oct 15 Presidential Debate Cancelled As Trump Refuses To Participate Virtually, Calls It "Ridiculous"

President Trump was greeted by hundreds of cheering supporters at the White House appearance. As is rather usual with him, he took off his mask to address the crowd and declared "I am feeling great!".

In the crowd below with their red "MAGA" hats, most did have their mask on but with barely any social distancing.

"Get out and vote - and I love you," Trump told his supporters.

Meanwhile, as suspicions around the incumbent president's health continue, the appearance was followed by an all-clear from a White House doctor as Trump was stated to be no longer at risk of transmitting the coronavirus infection.

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However, the ambiguity also persists as he was not explicitly declared to have tested negative for it. The president is eager to resume the campaign trail as polling inches closer and he trails behind the Democratic Nominee Joe Biden.

The White House released a memo wherein, Navy Cmdr. Dr. Sean Conley stated that Trump met the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria for safely discontinuing isolation and that by "currently recognized standard" he was not a transmission risk any longer.

On October 2, the Republican presidential nominee and his wife Melania Trump were declared to be Covid-19 positive. Trump was admitted to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland but was back at the White House after spending three nights in the medical care.

Reportedly, an internal US government memo disclosed that at least "34 White House staffers and other contacts" had tested positive for Covid-19 in recent days.

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