New Delhi: Leaders and lawmakers of the US Congress marked the one-year anniversary of the Capitol Hill riot that took place on this day, last year. The lawmakers stood with a vigil on the steps of the Capitol on Thursday (local time).

The prayer vigil was one of the many events that were held as part of a ceremonious and solemn day on Capitol Hill. around hundreds of members of Congress stood outside the Capitol building wearing masks and holding candles at the vigil. 

On January 6 last year, a mob of Trump supporters had stormed the US Capitol as lawmakers met to certify Joe Biden’s presidential electoral win. 

Paying respect to those who lost their loves during the unrest, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “"On behalf of the distinguished Democratic leader of the Senate, all of our colleagues from the House and Senate, we prayerfully mark one year since the insurrection, and patriotically honour the heroes who defended the Capitol and our democracy that day.”

"Let us all here join in a moment of silence in memory of those who lost their lives and sacrificed so much for our democracy that day," Pelosi said further.

Along with Pelosi, other top Democrats like Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Majority Whip Sen. Richard Durbin and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer were also present during the ceremony. 

Speaking at the event Reverend Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Ethical Church said, "Let us pray. We need your help, Lord, now, to be the democracy you would have us to become, to be the nation you would have us to be. One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. So, we ask you now to help us, to help all those who are traumatized. Help all of those who have lost loved ones. Help those who are struggling. Help us to be instruments of your peace, instruments of your love and instruments of your healing for this land, for this Congress, for this government, for we the people, for this country and this world."