New Delhi: A former member of the Labour Party, Pakistani-born Kashmir campaigner, Lord Nazir Ahmed was convicted of serious sexual assault against a boy and an attempted rape of a young girl by the Sheffield Crown Court. The Court was informed that the sexual offence act happened during the 1970s in Rotherham when Ahmed was a teenager.

The former Member of House of Lords of the Uk, however denied the charges and announced that he would appeal against the conviction of the court over eight counts of alleged sexual offence against him. 

"Verdicts have gone completely against the evidence presented before the jury during the trial at the Sheffield Crown Court. We have instructed our lawyers to appeal against the conviction," said Lord Ahmed’s legal representative, as reported by ANI. 

Lord Ahmed is a Pakistan-born resident of Rotherham in the UK where his political roots also lay.  He moved with his family to the United Kingdom in 1969 to join his father who worked in steel factories in Rotherham. At the age of 18, in 1975, Ahmed joined the labour party and became a counselor in Rotherham in 1990. 

Ahmed has been presenting himself as a crusader for the cause of Kashmir but in reality he had used his position to sexually exploit Kashmiri women, as rpeorted by ANI. 

In 2018, on the occasion of Indian Republic Day, Lord Ahmed had called for Azad Kashmir. 

Ahmed has also been an ardent supporter of Khalistani movement and a critic of the policies of the Indian Government, the report further stated.