New Delhi: Contrary to US’ expectations from North Korea to end its nuclear and missile programmes, the North is apparently carrying out its missile development activities secretly. In a finding, US analysts have located more than half of the an estimated 20 secret North Korean missile development sites, highlighting the challenge the Trump administration faces in ensuring that the North complies with any eventual agreement.

The findings drawn on commercial satellite imagery, located 13 such secret facilities which used to produced missiles and related technology.  The findings suggest that the country is carrying forward its missile work, even though it has halted test launches after the historic meeting between Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump in Singapore.

The North had invited international media and had symbolically also destroyed its nuclear test sites.

The report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) states that the sites discovered are not launch facilities but unveil the country’s determination to conceal its military might.

The authors of the report say that the sites can be used for all classes of ballistic missile, therefore they should be declared by the country and should be inspected in any credible form.

Some experts of North Korea, said that the North Korea’s secret development of missiles, is not a surprise given its past activities but it is definitely a matter of concern . They noted that Kim had not agreed to halt either nuclear weapons or missile development in negotiations with Trump or Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.