As Russian air strikes killed at least 14 and injured nearly a 100, Ukraine ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya called Moscow a ‘terrorist state’, accusing it of committing war crimes by deliberately targeting civilians. However, the Russian envoy to the UN in turn termed Ukraine equal to the 'the most outrageous terrorist organisations' after the Russia-Crimea bridge got severel damaged in a blast – for which Ukraine has not yet claimed responsibility.

Ukraine’s ambassador to the UN, at a meeting of the general assembly leveled a scathing attack against Russia saying, "Deliberate targeting of civilians is a war crime. By launching missile attacks on civilians, sleeping in their homes or rushing to work, children going to schools, Russia has proven once again that it is a terrorist state that must be deterred in the strongest possible ways.'

Following the Russian air strikes, several regions in Ukraine such as Kyiv Lviv, Sumy and Ternopil faced power outages.


Russian President Putin, however, doesn’t seem to show any signs of stopping even after the deadly strikes – the heaviest bombardment of missile and rocket attacks seen in Ukraine since February. Addressing the media, Putin warned that it was impossible to leave such crimes unanswered referring to the Crimea bridge blast. He added that if the attacks continued, Russia’s response would be tough.


Russia's Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov has warned of further escalation of the conflict over supply of weapons to Ukraine by Washington and its allies. This came as US President Biden assured more supply of advanced air defence systems following the latest spate of missile strikes by Russia. 

"We call on the United States and its allies not to cross the 'red lines' they have approached. Stop pumping the Kyiv regime with lethal arms. It will only lead to new victims and destruction, as well as further prolonging the conflict," Antonov said. 


US President Joe Biden has slammed Russia for the missile strikes calling for an immediate removal of Russian troops from Ukraine. “These attacks killed and injured civilians and destroyed targets with no military purpose. They once again demonstrate the utter brutality of Putin’s illegal war on the Ukrainian people,” Biden said.

Biden offered condolences to the families and loved ones of those who were "senselessly killed", as well as his best wishes for the recovery of those who were wounded.

“These attacks only further reinforce our commitment to stand with the people of Ukraine for as long as it takes. Alongside our allies and partners, we will continue to impose costs on Russia for its aggression, hold Putin and Russia accountable for its atrocities and war crimes, and provide the support necessary for Ukrainian forces to defend their country and their freedom,” he said.


India voted to reject Russia’s demand for a secret ballot in the UN General Assembly on a draft resolution to condemn Moscow’s “illegal” annexation of four regions of Ukraine, with New Delhi favouring a public vote on the text along with over 100 other nations.

The 193-member UN General Assembly on Monday voted on a motion by Albania that action on the draft resolution that would condemn Russia’s “illegal so-called referendums” and “attempted illegal annexation” of the Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine be taken by a recorded vote. Russia had demanded that the resolution be voted upon by secret ballot.

Moscow’s demand for a secret ballot was rejected after 107 UN member states, including India, voted in favour of a recorded vote. Only 13 nations voted in favour of Russia’s call for a secret ballot while 39 abstained. Russia and China were among the countries that did not vote.