London: The outbreak of Omicron variant has led to a massive surge in daily cases of Coronavirus in the United Kingdom with the British government reporting over 93,000 new Covid-19 infections on Friday, the highest since the start of the pandemic.

According to news agency AFP, the United Kingdom has reported as many as 93,045 new Covid cases in last 24 hours, taking the total number of infections during the pandemic to more than 11.1 million. 

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It also registered as many as 111 deaths from the virus in the last 24 hours, taking the death toll to more than 1,47,000.

Britain had reported 88,376 new infections a day ago, up around 10,000 since the previous record set on Wednesday.

Another 1,691 Omicron cases were found in Britain on December 15 (Wednesday), the biggest daily increase since the Covid-19 variant was detected in the country, taking the total Omicron cases found in the country to 11,708, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) confirmed earlier.

Reacting to the record-breaking infections registered in the last three days, Scotland First Minister Nicola Sturgeon termed Omicron as country's dominant Coronavirus strain and even said "the Tsunami I warned about a week ago is now starting to hit us".

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Additionally, citizens have been asked to brace for the "storm of Omicron" with country's nightclubs being shut after December 26 and social distancing and other Covid curbs to be reintroduced in shops and workplaces.

UKHSA's Chief Medical Adviser has said every person infected with the Omicron Covid variant is believed to be passing it on to between three and five others on average.

People in England are being advised people to prioritise events that matter to them in the run-up to Christmas.