Ankara: Emergency has been declared in Istanbul after the failed coup and orders passed to immediately gun down any chopper seen in nearby areas.

Turkey's Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Sunday that the failed military coup has left at least 290 people killed. The death toll includes at least 190 civilians and 100 coup plotters, more than 1,400 were wounded in the coup attempt that swept the country on Friday night and wrapped up by Saturday morning.

More than 6,000 have been detained so far due to their involvement in the failed coup. Officials  said it was the Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen that staged this coup attempt.

The statement said, "Our government has been constantly exposing the real motives of this terrorist group and its leader, Fethullah Gulen, to all allies and partners. The failed coup is the latest criminal act revealing the danger posed by Fethullah Gulen Terrorist Organisation," it said.