New Delhi: The City of Toronto formally apologised to the World Sikh Organisation of Canada for “any delay” in reinstating the 100 Sikh security guards who were laid off over the “no-beard” policy, according to an ANI report. The WSO said that over 100 Sikh security guards had lost their positions at City of Toronto sites due to the rule which requires them to be clean-shaven, so they can wear N95 masks, according to ANI. 

According to an official statement by the Toronto administration, security service providers have been asked to accommodate any Sikh security guard employees who have requested religious exemptions and reinstate any employee whose employment was terminated.

The World Sikh Organization of Canada had demanded the City of Toronto change the rule requiring all security guards to be clean-shaven. 

The employees who maintain facial hair were not fit for protective N95 respirators required by public health directives in shelter settings where a Covid-19 outbreak is suspected or present, ANI reported. 

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According to the ANI report, WSO Legal Counsel, Balpreet Singh said private contractors which had employed the guards told them that they were just following city orders. When the employees asked whether they could get an exemption based on religious requirements, the companies either moved the employees to lesser-paying positions or laid them off. 

Addressing the complaint of the organisation, the City of Toronto released a statement. "Effective Tuesday, the City of Toronto said that it will immediately permit "under-mask beard covers" as a reasonable accommodation option for individuals who maintain facial hair as a tenet of their faith and are required to be present at City sites with protective N95 respirator requirements, ANI reported. 

Under-mask beard covering is a method of applying a tight-fitting mask over a beard that covers the chin and cheeks and ties in a knot at the top of the head. An N95 mask is then worn over the cover. The technique, also known as the Singh Thattha Method, is used by many Sikh people in the medical community and has been found to be highly effective in respirator fit testing, ANI reported.

The City formally contacted its contracted security service providers and restated its expectations that they appropriately accommodate any Sikh security guard employees who have requested religious exemptions and reinstate any employee whose employment was terminated, immediately. The City will not accept any contractors failing to accommodate religious freedoms.

"The City abides by all human rights legislation and requires all contractors to also comply with City's Human Rights and Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Policy (HRAP) and all applicable human rights legislation," the statement added.

(With ANI inputs)