New Delhi: Amidst the worst economic crisis ever, Sri Lankan Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa may end up resigning from the post, reported news agency ANI. As per the reports, PM Mahinda Rajapaksa has responded positively to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s proposal of quitting the post as the country faces the worst ever economic meltdown. The information comes hours after President Gotabaya Rajapaksa imposed an emergency in the island nation following the protests against the government. 

As per reports, the decision of PM Mahinda Rajapaksa to agree to resign was taken at a special cabinet meeting at President’s house. 

The cabinet ministers were informed in the meeting that owing to Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa’s failure to deal with the persistent economic crisis, he will be resigning from his post which will eventually lead to the dissolution of the cabinet as well. According to ANI reports, Mahinda Rajapaksa further said that if the only solution to Sri Lanka’s economic crisis is his resignation then he is willing to do so. 

Meanwhile, according to a report by Colombo Page, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa admitted that it had become difficult to manage the situation in the country amid the growing hostility among protestors and the situation ended up in absence of tourists in the country furthering the economic crisis. Added to the same, the closure of factories piled up the economic woes during the crisis. 

As per the ANI sources, the Sri Lankan Cabinet ministers, Prasanna Ranatunga, Nalaka Godahewa, and Ramesh Pathirana, have all agreed to Mahinda Rajapaksa's decision of resigning as the Prime Minister but Minister Wimalaweera Dissanayake disagrees with them and sees it as a futile step in dealing with the situation. 

As per reports by Colombo Page, PM Mahinda Rajapaksa will announce his resignation in a special statement on Monday which will be followed by a reshuffle in the cabinet. 

Sri Lanka is going through the worst economic crisis in the history of the country which has resulted in an acute shortage of food, fuel, medicines, and other basic necessities. The country is facing hours-long power cuts which made the people of the country come to the streets to protest.