New Delhi: On the backdrop of the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russia, a new word has been coined by Harsh Goenka. The Chairman of RPG Enterprises on Thursday took to Twitter and shared a new word - 'Ukrained', taking an indirect swipe at the United States and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

While defining his newly conceptualised word, Goenka said 'Ukrained' means when one is set up by friends to fight but when the time comes they are there to cheer only from the sidelines but not involve themselves in the fight itself.

Goenka's tweet comes at a time when Ukraine is witnessing massive bloodshed across the country with the Russian army bombarding key cities through aerial attacks and shelling. Russian bombs continue to fall on civilian populations in war-torn nations.

Like many, Goenka's tweet also blames the US and NATO for pushing Ukraine into this crisis. Several commentators and experts have blamed American foreign policy for bringing about the present crisis.

It is being said that Russian President Vladimir Putin's military offensive against Ukraine is nothing but predictable response to America's attempt of expanding NATO eastward and encouraging Ukraine to join forces with the European Union (EU) instead of Russia.

In what can be assumed from Goenka's description of the word 'Ukrained' is despite the promise to fully support Ukraine in its war against Russia, both US and NATO are now just watching Kyiv burning to ashes with no one engaging themselves in direct confrontation with Putin.  

Even the Russian President on Wednesday said that Ukraine, encouraged by the United States and a number of Western countries, purposefully prepared for a military scenario. 

"It is also clear to us that Western patrons are simply pushing the Kyiv authorities to continue the bloodshed," Putin said, RT reported.

Meanwhile, after the latest round of negotiations between Moscow and Kyiv, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that his country is prepared to continue high-level trilateral negotiations with Ukraine mediated by Turkey.

According to reports, Russia and Ukraine have achieved some progress on a number of issues during the new round of talks.

However, the on-ground military advance in several key cities of Ukraine continued on Thursday even as relevant parties are working to broker a peaceful solution.