In his first address after taking charge as the first Indian-origin Prime Minister of UK, Rishi Sunak on Tuesday said some "mistakes" were made by the previous Liz Truss government and he was elected to "fix them". Addressing reporters outside Number 10 in Downing Street, Sunak promised to place "economic stability and confidence" at the heart of his agenda.

"Right now our country is facing a profound economic crisis...Putin war in Ukraine has destabilised markets the world over...(Former Prime Minister) Liz Truss was not wrong to work for economic goals of this country. I admire her. But some mistakes were made. Not ill intentioned, in fact the opposite, nonetheless mistakes," Sunak said in an address outside Number 10 in Downing Street.

Warning of "difficult decisions" ahead, Sunak said he would confront the "profound economic crisis" with compassion and lead a government of "integrity, professionalism and accountability".

READ | Rishi Sunak Takes Charge As UK's First Indian-Origin Prime Minister

"The government I lead will not leave the next generation -- your children and grandchildren -- with a debt to settle that we were too weak to pay ourselves," Sunak said.

"I will unite our country, not with words, but with action. I will work day in and day out to deliver for you. Trust is earned. And I will earn yours," the UK PM further said.

Sunak said his government would build an economy that made the most of the Brexit opportunities even as he promised to deliver of the party's promises of a stronger NHS, better schools, safer streets, control of our borders, protecting the environment and supporting the armed forces.

"I stand here before you ready to lead our country into the future, to put your needs above politics, to reach out and build a govt that represents the very best traditions of my party. Together we can achieve incredible things," he further said.

Rishi Sunak on Tuesday took charge as Britain's first Indian-origin Prime Minister after meeting King Charles III. Sunak, the youngest Prime Minister of the UK in over two centuries, took the charge a day after he was elected the new leader of the Conservative Party in a historic leadership run.

Sunak was born in Southampton on May 12, 1980, into a family with immigrant roots. His parents Yashvir and Usha, both pharmacists, migrated to the UK from East Africa and have roots in Punjab. 

Sunak's paternal grandparents came from a place called Gujranwala, now in Pakistan. However, they were forced to leave and cross the border due to communal riots and bloodshed in the 1930s.

He is married to Akshata Murty, the daughter of NR Narayana Murthy, co-founder of the IT company Infosys. The couple, who tied the knot in 2009, has two daughters, Anoushka and Krishna.