A small plane crashed into the power lines of Montgomery County in the United States’ Maryland province on Sunday night resulting in widespread power outage across the state, reported the Washington Post. The plane crash resulted in an electricity cut-off that affected over 90,000 houses and residences in Montgomery County, almost equivalent to one-quarter of the county facing the outage. However, no injuries were reported from the incident. 

Two persons on board, a pilot and a passenger were also reported uninjured and fire and emergency officials worked late in the night to rescue them, the report added. 

The cause of the crash is yet to be ascertained. The weather was misty and rainy in the Washington area on Sunday so it is unclear if weather was a reason for the mishap. 

The aeroplane, described by the FAA in a preliminary account as a single-engine Mooney M20J, hit high-tension lines a couple of miles from the Montgomery County Airpark in Gaithersburg about 5:40 p.m, stated the Washington Post report. 

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“A small plane has crashed into power lines in the area of Rothbury Dr & Goshen Rd, taking out power to parts of the county. @mcfrs is on scene. PLEASE AVOID THE AREA, as there are still live wires," the official twitter handle of the Montgomery County Department of Police tweeted.

The crash took place nearby a commercial area due to rainy weather, however, its cause remains unknown. One estimate indicates that the plane may have hit lines as high as 10 stories up. That could not be immediately confirmed, the Washington Post reported. The investigation of the plane crash is underway.