Days ahead of Defence Minister Rajnath Singh's visit to the US, the Pentagon has described the India-US relationship as of "great importance." US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is set to host his Singh at the Pentagon on August 23. During the meeting, the two leaders are expected to discuss a wide range of bilateral and regional issues, as well as ways to strengthen ties between the world’s two largest democracies.

"The relationship with India remains one of great importance. It's one of great importance to the Indo-Pacific as well. There's a visit coming up and when we have more to share on that, we certainly will,” Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said in a media briefing on Thursday.

When asked about the agenda of the meeting, the Pentagon official did not share details and said, “I'm not going to get ahead of the secretary or any meetings that he's doing...As always, we will have a readout of his meeting. I just don't have more to provide on the front end, but we will on the back end, as we always do."

The Pentagon official further underscored the India-US ties and stressed that both countries share a very strong military relationship. “The (defence) secretary, you know, visited India on one of his trips to the Indo-Pacific. India is an important partner when it comes to the Indo-Pacific and much of the NDS (National Defense Strategy) that continues to guide. This department is focused on the Indo-Pacific and our pacing challenge of China and India has shown to be a great partner in that. So, our military-to-military relationship is strong,” Sabrina Singh said.

Rajnath Singh is the highest-ranking Indian cabinet minister scheduled to visit the United States since Prime Minister Narendra Modi was sworn in for his third term in June this year