His mother, 73-year-old Rasmi Suwaiti, was undergoing treatment for Covid-19. The mother, who managed to get a glimpse of the son died, soon after her son sprung a surprise visit. The 30-year-old son would wait by the window every night to watch his mother.
According to the French daily Al Nas, Al-Suwaiti breached the restrictions to climb the hospital and wished to see her one last time. The mother was suffering from leukemia when she tested positive for Covid-19. She was admitted to the Hebron State Hospital and spent five days there receiving treatment.
The viral image was also tweeted by the CEO of Patriotic Vision and a representative to the United Nations, Mohamad Safa.
Safa, a human activist and representative to the United Nations, tweeted, "The son of a Palestinian woman who was infected with COVID-19 climbed up to her hospital room to sit and see his mother every night until she passed away."
The heart-breaking post went viral, making netizens very emotional. "Tears, nothing but tears for that boy's mum but that boy is an angel," said a user.
The State of Palestine has witnessed more than 8,000 positive cases with more than 60 deaths.
"I sat helplessly behind the outside window of the intensive care room, watching her last moments," her son was quoted as saying by the Arabic Post.
The son who tried to enter her hospital room was informed about her worsening condition. After being not allowed to see the mother he climbed up to the hospital window to bid her a final goodbye.