Locked in a bloody war, frustration has started spilling on to streets as angry Palestinians stage protests after hundreds lost their lives in an attack on a city hospital this week. The growing anger against the Palestinian Authority security forces and Israeli soldiers descended on the streets as people complained about the forces trying to quell the demonstrations. 

The escalating violence which entered 12th day on Thursday since Hamas’ October 7 surprise attacks has triggered an outcry in Ramallah, Jenin, Nablus, Tubas, Hebron and Bethlehem against both the Palestinian Authority (PA) in city centres and Israeli forces at checkpoints, military bases and settlements, reported the Al Jazeera. 

The PA security forces, based in Ramallah, have reportedly used live ammunition, tear gas and stun grenades to quell the protests which left a dozen people injured on Tuesday night, as per the report. 

Two protestors were reportedly killed while others were injured as the security forces tried to disperse the protestors. 

A young Palestinian girl was reportedly shot dead by the PA security forces during the protests in the northern West Bank city of Jenin. The family of 12-year-old Razan Nasrallah confirmed to Al Jazeera that she was killed at about 10 pm on Tuesday night.

“A bullet entered the right side of her chest. It pierced her lungs and hit her heart,” her uncle, 64-year-old Ziad Nasrallah, told the publication.

“We consider her a martyr who was killed defending Gaza. We mourn her with pride,” he continued.

Another Palestinian man, Ahmad Moeen al-Rimawi, 31 was killed in confrontations with Israeli forces in the village of Nabi Saleh east of Ramallah on Tuesday night while a Palestinian youth suffered serious injuries by PA fire in the northwestern West Bank city of Tubas. 

Mohammed Tarifi, 20, blamed the Palestinian Authority saying, "They should have just allowed the demonstration to happen rather than stopping it."

"We should support our people in Gaza, and I’m just so angry at what’s happened,” he told the Guardian. 

A protester from Jenin told Al Jazeera that the protest was a result of a “wave of anger against the people who are just standing by and taking a position of neutrality”.

Another demanded the PA security forces “protect the people in the face of this unprecedented Israeli attack whether from the army or settlers”.