New Delhi: All major political parties in Pakistan have voiced dissent over a resolution passed by the Senate to delay the elections scheduled for February 8. The Pakistan Senate on Friday passed a resolution seeking a delay in the general election citing weather and security concerns. The resolution, tabled by independent Senator Dilawar Khan, stated inclement weather and security factors in several areas could lead to low voter turnout.

The resolution was passed by the Upper House when the session was attended by only 14 out of 100 senators.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) moved the Supreme Court saying a resolution based on 14 senators has no “legal or binding force” in the election process, The Dawn reported.

PTI chief Barrister Gohar Khan noted the “attempt by some political parties to defer the much-needed polls beyond the scheduled date of February 8 by using the floor of Senate [as] tantamount to [an] attack on Constitution and democracy,” The Dawn reported.

He also stated the passage of the resolution was a violation of the SC order and amounted to “contempt of court”.

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Seeking to clear the air after the sole Pakistan Peoples' Party (PPP) senator Behramand Tangi did not oppose the resolution, PPP leader Sherry Rehman said the party wants timely elections and it would ask for an explanation from Tangi.

The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), also declared that it wants no delay in the February 8 elections.

“The PML-N’s decision is categorical — polls should be held on February 8 according to the schedule of the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP),” party spokesperson Marriyum Aurangzeb wrote on X.

According to the report, the Jamaat-e-Islami emir, Sirajul Haq, said people would be deprived of their fundamental right via transparent elections if the schedule is deferred. He said the resolution was “a conspiracy against the country and democracy”.