New Delhi: In what may be termed as another desperate attempt to gain international attention on their Kashmir narrative, Pakistan government will be holding a big rally ‘jalsa’ in Muzzafarabad in Pakistan occupied Kashmir on Friday.

A day after facing embarrassment at UNHRC session as India tore into Pakistan for concocted narrative on Kashmir and grave human rights violations in Muzzafarabad, Prime Minister Imran Khan had announced on September 11 that he will organise ‘a big Jalsa’ in Muzzafarabad to send a message to the world about the "continuing siege" of Jammu and Kashmir and to "show the Kashmiris that Pakistan stands resolutely with them."

On August 30, Khan asked people to come on the streets to observe Kashmir Solidarity Hour but its much-hyped event failed to garner much attention among the Pakistanis.

At the UNHRC session, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi presented a false narrative on Kashmir maintained by his country following the Indian government's historic move to abrogate Article 370. However, Pakistan has been strongly reprimanded by Indian delegation.

Interestingly, while Qureshi was addressing the session, protests were held outside the UN Headquarters against the dire situation of Human Rights in Pakistan.

On Tuesday, the Baloch Human Rights Council organised a briefing on 'The Humanitarian Crisis in Balochistan' at a special tent at Broken Chair in front of the UN headquarters.

Forces Waiting For Signal By Government For Action In PoK: General Bipin Rawat

Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat on Thursday said forces are always ready for action in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK).

"The Army is always ready (Sena to hamesha taiyar rehti hai)," General Rawat told ANI when asked if his force is ready for action in POK. However, the Army Chief made it clear that a decision in this regard has to be taken by the government.

"This has to be done by the government. The other institutions will act as the government directs them in this regard," he said.

(inputs from ANI)