Pakistan has categorically rejected rumors circulating about a possible role the country may have in the killing of al-Qaeda chief Ayman Al-Zawahiri by US forces in Kabul on Sunday. 

Zawahiri’s residence in Kabul was targeted by a CIA drone strike, giving out clear signals and indications that US holds the capability of targeting high profile targets without having any footprints on the ground in Afghanistan. 

Zawahiri had a $25 million bounty on his head and was the chief of al-Qaeda after the killing of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan in June 2011. 

After Zawahiri's death was confirmed by the United States, speculations started to surface about the role of Pakistan in helping CIA carry out the strike. Many hinted towards the use of Pakistani airspace and airbase for the strike, while others also did not rule out the possibility of provision of ground intelligence by Pakistani spy agency to the CIA. 

The recent telephonic conversation between Pakistan Army Chief General Qamar Jawed Bajwa and US Centcom chief, about 48 hours before the CIA drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan raised speculation of Pakistan help in the attack.

However, Pakistan brushed aside all talks of its involvement, maintaining that it was an internal matter of Afghanistan to handle. 

 “The killing of Ayman Al-Zawahiri is an internal matter of Afghanistan. No role of any sort played by Pakistan”, said a Pakistani official on the basis of anonymity.  

 Rumors about possibilities of the drone flying from Pakistani airbase or the use of Pakistan’s airspace, were rejected by the government source. Pakistan foreign office also issued a press release, reiterating that Islamabad condemns terrorism in all its forms. 

“We have seen the official statements by the United States and media reports regarding a counter-terrorism operation carried out by the US in Afghanistan. Pakistan condemns the terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. Pakistan’s role and sacrifices in the fight against terrorism are well-known. Pakistan stands by countering terrorism in accordance with international law and relevant UN resolutions”, read the statement issued by Pakistan foreign office. 

 “The US have many options in the region. However, the drone did not fly from Pakistan or through its air space”, assured the government source. 

It is pertinent to note here that after the withdrawal of US and NATO forces from Afghanistan, the Biden administration wanted to come into an understanding with Pakistan for establishing an air base for future counter-terrorism operation in the region. 

Former Prime Minister Imran Khan has repeatedly said that if US demands use of Pakistani air bases or airspace the answer would be “absolutely not”. Khan had made it clear that Pakistan will no longer support any such move and will always become a partner in peace. 

On the other hand, United States has maintained that the presence of al-Qaeda chief in Kabul is a clear breach and violation of the Doha agreement that the Afghan Taliban signed. 

While Afghan Taliban have maintained that the US drone strike in Kabul is a violation of International principals.