New Delhi: United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo along with Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Joseph Dunford, is arriving in Pakistan on Wednesday in the first official visit by any senior US official after Imran Khan’s party PTI formed government.

Pompeo is likely to meet the Pakistani Prime Minister, however speculations are still on whether Khan will meet Pompeo or not as he has been advised to not meet the former as it is against the protocol.

Mike Pompeo will meet his Pakistani counterpart Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi and senior military officials. Delegation level talks will be then held at the Foreign office.

Qureshi had been previously quoted by Pak media as saying Pompeo’s visit is an opportunity to discuss various bilateral issues and shared objectives.

However, Prime Minister Khan has been advised to refrain from meeting Pompeo following the protocol. Former senate chairperson Raza Rabbani has reportedly said that PM should not meet Pompeo during his halt in Pakistan. Talking to Pakistan’s Samaa TV, Rabbani was heard saying: “Secretary Pompeo’s meeting with the premier is against protocol. Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi should meet him instead.”

He was also heard saying that this is the second time the US has suspended funds meant to repay Pakistan for money spent on the war against terror. He reiterated that Pakistan is not taking any aid from the US.

Pompeo is visiting Pakistan at a time when anti-US sentiment is prevalent in the country.

The former senate chairperson of Pakistan also spoke about the phone-call between Pompeo and Khan in August. US had claimed that Pompeo had asked Khan to fight terrorism within Pakistan, while Pakistan had opposed the claims.

Pompeo’s visit is being viewed as Khan’s first test as the premier of the country.

Pompeo will be visiting India after Pakistan.