Kabul: The founder of the Haqqani network, one of the most feared militant groups in Afghanistan is dead, the Afghan Taliban announced on Tuesday.

Jalaluddin Haqqani was a member of Quetta Shura, a terrorist organisation comprising Afghan Taliban leaders, who are believed to be based in Balochistan, according to US media reports. He had played a key-role in supporting Al-Qaeda in both Afghanistan and Pakistan

As per reports in ANI, Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid announced the death of the militant leader, citing long illness as the reason.

Mujahid further said that Haqqani was an instrumental figure in keeping the Taliban together after the death of former Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Omar, reported ANI.

Haqqani’s son Sirajuddin Haqqani now heads the brutal group and is also the Taliban's deputy leader .

During the 1980s the Haqqani figurehead was an Afghan mujahideen commander fighting the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan with the help of the US and Pakistan, AFP reported. He gained notoriety for his organisation and bravery, garnering attention from the CIA and a personal visit from US congressman Charlie Wilson.

He was a fluent Arabic speaker and also had close ties with Osama Bin Laden.  Later, Jalaluddin became a minister in the Taliban regime.

The network he founded has been allegedly responsible for some of the major attacks across Afghanistan. Role of the Haqqani network is also susoected in the recent attacks in Kabul.

The Haqqani network is a designated terrorist group by the United States.