Seoul: According to recent reports citing South Korea's spy agency, hackers from North Korea tried to hack into the computer systems of pharmaceutical company Pfizer to find information on coronavirus vaccine and treatment technology. ALSO READ | WHO Gives Emergency Use Approval For AstraZeneca's COVID-19 Vaccine

North Korea imposed more restrictions over people entering the country to be able to isolate itself from Coronavirus spread which spread all over the world originating from its neighbouring country China.

Even though, "supreme leader" Kim Jong Un has been claiming that there are no coronavirus cases in North Korea, experts have found it difficult to believe so.

In the latest development, MP Ha Tae-Keung told reporters that Seoul's National Intelligence Service "briefed us that North Korea tried to obtain technology involving the Covid vaccine and treatment by using cyberwarfare to hack into Pfizer", as quoted by news agency AFP.

This indicates that as always North Korea may be trying to hide a serious situation unfolding within its territory. It might be using its army of well-trained hackers that run into thousands and are known to attack firms, institutions and researchers in the South and other regions - to be able to tackle a possible Coronavirus spread with North Korea.

Pfizer is yet to confirm this development of North Korea hacking into its South Korea facility.