New Delhi: Donald Trump who is the Republican Party nominee for the President of the United States in the 2016 election was rushed off the stage during his Nevada campaign rally, on Saturday.

Soon after, cops escorted a man into a bathroom away from the crowd. Several officers followed him inside. Many more stayed outside, guarding the door.

After a while Donald Trump returned to finish his speech and thanked Secret Service, reported CNN.

“I want to thank the Secret Service. They don’t get enough credit. They are amazing people”, reported The New York Times.

It is pertinent to mention here that on November 8th, there is Presidential election in United States of America. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton (from the Democratic Party) are Presidential candidate.

Trump proposes 35% tax on companies that outsource production

US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Saturday that he will impose 35 per cent tax on US companies that lay off workers while outsourcing their production to other countries.

Trump revealed his proposal at separate rallies in Tampa, Florida, and Wilmington, North Carolina, states he must win in order to be elected next Tuesday against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, EFE news reported.

The real-estate magnate said in Tampa that he will stop America's prosperity from being stolen and will do it fast - because if a company lays off its workers and goes to some other country, and then ships its products back to the USA, he'll make it pay a 35-per cent tax, a message he repeated in North Carolina.

Trump has based his campaign on a protectionist pitch against trade treaties like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) because they take jobs away from the United States.

The candidate has promised to restore manufacturing jobs that have been lost because of technological innovations and globalisation, but have given way to other kinds of employment.

Trump has said the cited trade agreements do the United States no good and must be renegotiated in order to benefit Americans.

At the same time, he promised tax policies that, he said, will bring jobs back to the United States, beginning with a cut in corporate taxes from 35 per cent to 15 per cent.