Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on a three-day state visit to the US. His first day in the United States includes Yoga Day celebrations at the UN Headquarters in New York City, meet with thought leaders and business magnates, including Elon Musk. On the second day of his visit, he will hold a bilateral meeting with US President Joe Biden, will address a joint sitting of the US Congress, and participate in the state dinner which will be organised by Biden and the First Lady Jill Biden.

Day 2 of PM Modi's visit to the US will kick off with him receiving a ceremonial welcome at the White House. Following this, he is scheduled to hold a high-level dialogue with US President Joe Biden to pave the way for closer alignment between the economic and technology ecosystems of both nations and eliminate hurdles to build more resilient supply chains.

After the bilateral talks, PM Modi will address a joint sitting of the Congress on June 22 afternoon at the invitation of Congressional leaders, including speaker Kevin McCarthy of the House of Representatives and Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer. This will be his second such address. His first address to Congress was in 2016 during Barack Obama's administration.

Following his address to a joint sitting of Congress, he will be hosted by President Biden and his wife Jill Biden at a state dinner at the White House. Many Congress leaders and diplomats are also expected to be a part of this event.

Highlights of the Day 3 of his state visit will be- a Luncheon hosted by US Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, meetings with entrepreneurs, CEOs, and representatives from various companies, and his address to the Indian diaspora at a mega event in Ronald Reagan Centre. 

After the community event, he will depart for Cairo, Egypt, where he will meet President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and build on trade and strategic relations between India and Egypt.