New Delhi: In an unexpected result of Maldives’ presidential election, opposition leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih emerged victorious defeating the incumbent President Abdulla Yameen. As per reports, Election Commission released the result in which the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih had secured 58.3 percent of popular vote in the polls closely watched by both China and India.

Yameen had increased closeness with China lately, taking hundreds of millions of dollars from Beijing for major infrastructure projects, drifting away from India.

Widespread celebrations marked the victory of Solih across the tropical archipelago with opposition leads carrying yellow flags of the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and dancing on the streets.

Former leader Yameen has so far not responded to the results.

As per reports, Yameen’s party has been accused of rigging the elections. Apart from this, the local media also faced fear of falling afoul to the decrees amid the stringent reporting restrictions.

Yameen also did not have any other string opposing candidate as he had jailed or forces into exile almost all of his rivals.

Reports have it that the police opened and raided the campaign headquarters of the victorious opposition party before the polls to stop what they called “illegal activities.

Before the elections there were warnings that Yameen could try to grab power at all costs.

In a preceding incidence in Februray he declared a state of emergency, suspended the constitution and ordered troops to storm the Supreme Court and arrest the judges and other rivals to avoid impeachment.

Over the years Yameen’s rule was gradually taking shape of anarchy after the country’s transition into democracy long back.

India's congratulates Solih:

India Monday congratulated opposition candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on his victory in the presidential polls in the Maldives and said the election reflected the country's commitment to the values of democracy and the rule of law.

India also hoped that the Maldivian Election Commission will officially confirm the result at the earliest.

"We welcome the successful completion of the third presidential election process in the Maldives which, according to preliminary information, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has won," the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said.

"We heartily congratulate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on his victory and hope that the Election Commission will officially confirm the result at the earliest," it said.

"This election marks not only the triumph of democratic forces in the Maldives, but also reflects the firm commitment to the values of democracy and the rule of law," the MEA said.