Lebanon's Prime Minister Hassan Diab has announced the resignation of the country's government after saying the explosion last week was the result of endemic corruption.

Diab also "we are with the people in calling for trying those responsible for this crime" as he spoke at the presidential palace on Monday evening.

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In a brief televised speech, Prime Minister Hassan Diab said on Monday that he is taking “a step back” so he can stand with the people “and fight the battle for change alongside them.”

He said: “I declare today the resignation of this government. May God protect Lebanon,” repeating the last phrase three times.

A brief while earlier, Diab’s Cabinet resigned after widespread protest across the country in the wake of the Aug. 4 explosion in Beirut’s port that caused widespread destruction, killed at least 160 people and injured about 6,000 others.

The cabinet has been under increasing pressure after several ministers quit or expressed their intention to step down in recent days.

Diab's cabinet now assumes a caretaker role until a new government is formed.

On Tuesday, two explosions in Beirut’s port area sent a red mushroom cloud thousands of feet into the air above the city. Lebanese officials say over 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate, which is used to make both bombs and fertilizer, had been stored there for six years without safety measures.